The Adhan, or the Islamic call to prayer, is one of Allah’s wonderful calls bestowed on every Muslim. It shows the time of the precessory prayer and calls on the faithful to communicate with their creator. One recommended practice concerning the Adhan is to say certain dua after its recitation, which has a lot of merit.

This guide will discuss the dua said after performing the Adhan, its meaning in Arabic and English, and the reason why this dua is very important to any Muslim.

What Is the Adhan?

The Adhan is an actual call to prayer made by the Muadhin (caller) to let people know it is time to offer salah (prayer). In this case, it acts as a call to basket and pray in a crowded world where people are busy with normal routines. The Adhan is a reminder and an act of joining in faith comparable to all communities.

Rewards of Reciting the Dua After Adhan

The Dua After Adhan

Whenever the Mu’adhin finishes the Adhan, the Muslims must recite certain congregational prayers recommended by the prophet Prophet (S.A.W).

1. Arabic Text

Rewards of Reciting the Dua After Adhan

2. Transliteration

“Bismillaahir Rahmanir Raheem. O Allah! Lord of this mighty and continuous invitation, and the standing Salat, grant Muhammad the Intercession and the Excellence and raise him to that honorable station Thou hast promised him.”

3. English Translation

‘Oh Allah, Lord of this perfect call, and the established prayer, make Muhammad the intercessor and the favored one, and exalt him to the station You have guaranteed for him.’

Rewards of Reciting the Dua After Adhan

The Prophet Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the rewards of reciting this dua:

“Whoever says this dua after hearing the Adhan, my intercession will be permitted for him on the Day of Judgment.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, 614)

Intercession (شَفَاعَة) is derived from it and is the permission of Allah where the Prophet Prophetwed to intercede in favor of the believers on the Day of Judgement.

Sunan of How to Respond to the Adhan

Repeat the Words of the Mu’adhin:

  • Say the phrases of the Adhan as the Mu’adhin recites them, except for when he says “Hayya’ ala-s-salah” and “Hayya’ ala-l-falah,” where you respond with:

    “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah”
    (There is no power and no strength except with Allah)

Recite the Dua After the Adhan:

  • After the Adhan has been recited, say this dua with total belief and concentration.

Send Salawat on the Prophet Prophet (peace be upon him):

  • Before reciting the dua, send blessings upon the Prophet Prophetng:

    “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin.”

Advantages of Saying the Dua After the Call

Spiritual Connection:

Al Du’a enhances a believer’s relationship with Allah and the Prophet Prophet (peace be upon him).

Remembrance of Allah:

It makes us pay heed to Allah, thereby training us to Practice the act of dhikr.

Blessings and Forgiveness:

The dua is an act through which one seeks Allah’s Rahma and seeks His help on the Day of Judgement.

Promotes Unity:

This dua, as an answer to the Adhan, reinforces in the minds of Muslims their belief and congregation in prayer.

How Kanzol Quran Online Academy Can Help

The Kanzol Quran Online Academy serves anyone interested in gaining more proficiency in Islamic supplications and practices. Its qualified male and female tutors teach online classes on Quran recitation, supplications, and mannerisms in worshipping.

Here is how students can benefit from them by learning their dua’s meanings and rewards and improving their general knowledge about Islam. Whether they are trying to memorize the Quran or doing Islamic studies, these duas help the students to make their day-to-day actions compliant with the recommendations of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) according to the Quran and Sunnah.


After the Adhan, making dua is the most respected of all acts of worship. When read with a pure heart and intention, Muslims gain a form of mediation with Allah and the Prophet Prophet (pbuh).

It is crucial to have this dua in your practice. To help you grow your Iman, we advise visiting Kanzol Quran Online Academy to expand your understanding of Islamic practices.

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