Islam is indeed the best path for seekers of spirituality. It will also be a saving deed on the Day of Resurrection Foundation, Salah (prayers). It is not simply worship but the blessing from Allah that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) purchased with Allah’s barter from heaven.

Reciting the Holy Quran is a way of listening to what Allah is saying to us, while offering prayers is a way of talking to Allah. Prayer is undoubtedly a means through which you can reach your creator five times daily.

Just like food nourishes our body, regular prayers nourish our soul. When we talk to Allah through prayers, all the negative energy hovering over our minds runs away. Prayer times are so solicitously organized that every day can start and end in the name of Allah.

Prayer is a bridge that connects you with your God, provided you offer prayers with total immersion, devotion, and humility. When you talk to Allah, your heart becomes overwhelmed with His love and fidelity, and your spiritual awakening journey begins!

Prayers Induce Spiritual Transformation

When you know the one you are talking to is the most powerful in the universe, your satisfaction is exceptionally dynamic. Prayers induce spiritual healing and a sense of satisfaction that has a transforming power.

According to research, Islamic prayers can transform your personality in two ways. These are:

  • Vicarious Control

During prayers, you seek help from Allah to save you from evil forces. We say: I ask refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed one.”. When Allah listens to this prayer five times a day, then how is it possible for the devil to persuade you?

Praying five times daily connects Muslims to their creator, which induces an exceptional motivational and emotional force. This connection keeps your conscience awake, helping you stay true to your religion.

In the Holy Quran, Allah verifies His deep connection with those who perform prayers with complete purity. He says:

“He knows the prayer and its glorification of all those who pray; verily, He is cognizant of every action they take.” (An-Noor 24:41)

  • Grieve Control

Prayers strengthen our faith, which empowers those who pray. They pipe in remarkable energy with soothing power. This transforms us and helps us cope with all our sorrows and grievances.

In the Quran, Allah encourages practising prayers by saying:

“Those who believe, do good deeds, offer prayers, and pay poor rates will certainly receive a reward from Allah; they shall be fearless and shall carry no grieve.” (Al-Bakra 2:277)

Offering regular prayers assists Muslims in combating stress and dealing with misadventures. It has been noted many times that people who regularly provide prayers deal with stressful events positively.

Prayers calm your body and mind and create a sense of peacefulness in every Muslim who approaches Him five times a day. This is the reason a Muslim with religious faith rarely experiences stress and anxiety throughout his life.

Prayers Diminish Egocentricity And Excessive Pride

The spiritual energy we receive from prayers helps worshipers attain humility and compassion. Allah deters those who worship to show off while praising those who worship modestly. The Quran reveals how much Allah insists on saying prayers with humility.

When you listen to the prayer call, you leave whatever you are doing and surrender yourself to Allah. This erases the egoistic traits from your personality, and you treat everyone with humility and respect. Bowing in front of the most potent creator is the essence of prayer.

Prayers Create A Sense Of Self-Forgiveness

Prayers give worshipers the spirit to forgive themselves as they experience the mercy of Allah, who forgives sinners. This sense of personal healing will help you deal with guilt and depression.

Many verses in the Quran indicate self-forgiveness, inducing the power of prayer. Allah says this in the Quran.

“Certainly, good deeds remove the effects of evil deeds” (Surah Hud 11:14)

We not only have self-forgiveness, but prayers have also given us the courage to forgive others. Prayer is the best way to constantly remind us of the essence of human life and a deep connection with the creator.

Prayers Enhance The Feeling Of Intimacy With Allah 

Feeling close to Allah is an intrinsic human nature. This feeling becomes overwhelming during prayers because prayers give spiritual travellers the energy to connect with the divine. 

You won’t care about loneliness or isolation because you feel close to Allah. Knowing that talking to Allah will heal you creates a sense of belonging, being loved, and being cared for.

This verse from the Quran reflects this intimate relationship.

Your Lord says, pray, as I will listen to your prayers.” (Surah Al-Mu’minun 40:60)

Prayer is a provider of desirable and a protector from undesirable for both our body and soul, not only in this world but in the life hereafter. 

At the end of each prayer, we feel like stepping out from another world full of spirits that have purified our hearts and inspired our souls. This embraced peace and strength will feed your soul until the next prayer time to begin this alimentary journey again. 

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